Continuous Wave Saturation Experiments
The following code analyzes data from a steady-state experiment similar to the original work of Henkelman et al. In this experiment, the magnetization of the coupled spin system is saturated with off-resonant continuous waves of the exponentially spaced frequencies:
Δ = exp.(range(log(0.01e3), log(100e3), length=20)) * 2π # rad/s
20-element Vector{Float64}:
and the amplitudes:
ω1_dB = -60:5:-5 # dB
ω1 = @. 10^(ω1_dB / 20) * π / 2 / 11.4e-6 # rad/s
12-element Vector{Float64}:
The waves were applied for 7 seconds to ensure a steady state. Thereafter, the magnetization was excited with a π/2-pulse and an FID was acquired. The repetition times was 30s to ensure full recovery to thermal equilibrium.
We fit the data with Henkelman's closed form solution to this steady-state problem while assuming a Lorentzian lineshape for the free spin pool, and different lineshapes for the semi-solid spin pool:
g_Lorentzian(Δ, T2) = T2 / π / (1 + (T2 * Δ)^2)
g_Gaussian(Δ, T2) = T2 / sqrt(2π) * exp(-(T2 * Δ)^2 / 2)
g_superLorentzian(Δ, T2) = T2 * sqrt(2 / π) * quadgk(ct -> exp(- 2 * (T2 * Δ / (3 * ct^2 - 1))^2) / abs(3 * ct^2 - 1), 0, sqrt(1 / 3), 1)[1];
For this data analysis we need the following packages:
using MRIgeneralizedBloch
using QuadGK
using LsqFit
using LinearAlgebra
using Statistics
using Printf
using Plots
The raw data is stored in a separate github repository and the following functions return the URL to the individual files:
MnCl2_data(ω1_dB) = string("", ω1_dB, ")/1/data.2d?raw=true")
BSA_data(ω1_dB) = string("", ω1_dB, ")/1/data.2d?raw=true");
which can be loaded with functions implemented in this file:
include(string(pathof(MRIgeneralizedBloch), "/../../docs/src/load_NMR_data.jl"));
We store the off-resonance frequencies and wave amplitudes in a single matrix for convenience:
x = zeros(Float64, length(ω1) * length(Δ), 2)
x[:,1] = repeat(Δ, length(ω1))
x[:,2] = vec(repeat(ω1, 1, length(Δ))');
MnCl$_2$ Sample
We load the first data point of each FID:
M = zeros(Float64, length(Δ), length(ω1))
for i = 1:length(ω1_dB)
M[:,i] = load_first_datapoint(MnCl2_data(ω1_dB[i]); set_phase=:abs)
M ./= maximum(M);
In contrast to the inversion-recovery experiment, the phase of the signal was not stable. Therefore, we took the absolute value of the signal by setting the flag set_phase=:abs
The MnCl$_2$-data can be described with a single compartment model:
function single_compartment_model(x, p)
(m0, R1, T2) = p
Δ = @view x[:,1]
ω1 = @view x[:,2]
Rrf = @. π * ω1^2 * g_Lorentzian(Δ, T2)
m = @. m0 * R1 / (R1 + Rrf)
return m
(cf. Eqs. (14) and (15) in the paper).
As this model is merely a function of the relaxation times T₁ and T₂, we forgo a fitting routine and use the estimates from the Inversion Recovery Experiments instead:
R1 = 1.479 # 1/s
T2 = 0.075 # s
Visually, this model describes the data well:
p = plot(xlabel="Δ [rad/s]", ylabel="M / max(M)", xaxis=:log, legend=:none)
[scatter!(p, Δ, M[:,i], color=i) for i=1:length(ω1)]
[plot!(p, Δ, reshape(single_compartment_model(x, [1,R1,T2]), length(Δ), length(ω1))[:,i], color=i) for i=1:length(ω1)]
Bovine Serum Albumin Sample
We acquired the same data for the BSA sample, which we load:
for i = 1:length(ω1_dB)
M[:,i] = load_first_datapoint(BSA_data(ω1_dB[i]); set_phase=:abs)
M ./= maximum(M);
We model the steady-state magnetization as described by Henkelman et al.:
function Henkelman_model(x, p; lineshape=:superLorentzian)
(m0, m0s, R1f, R1s, T2f, T2s, Rx) = p
m0s /= 1 - m0s # switch from m0s + m0f = 1 to m0f = 1 normalization
Δ = @view x[:,1]
ω1 = @view x[:,2]
Rrf_f = @. π * ω1^2 * g_Lorentzian(Δ, T2f)
if lineshape == :Lorentzian
Rrf_s = @. π * ω1^2 * g_Lorentzian(Δ, T2s)
elseif lineshape == :Gaussian
Rrf_s = @. π * ω1^2 * g_Gaussian(Δ, T2s)
elseif lineshape == :superLorentzian
Rrf_s = @. π * ω1^2 * g_superLorentzian(Δ, T2s)
m = @. m0 * (R1s * Rx * m0s + Rrf_s * R1f + R1f * R1s + R1f * Rx) / ((R1f + Rrf_f + Rx * m0s) * (R1s + Rrf_s + Rx) - Rx^2 * m0s)
return m
Here, we use a fitting routine to demonstrate the best possible fit with each of the three lineshapes. We define an initialization for the fitting routine p0 = [m0, m0s, R1f, R1s, T2f, T2s, Rx]
and set some reasonable bounds:
p0 = [ 1,0.01, 1, 5,0.052, 1e-5, 40]
pmin = [ 0, 0, 0, 0,0.052, 1e-6, 1]
pmax = [Inf, 1, Inf, Inf,0.052, 10e-3,100];
Note that we fixed T₂ᶠ = 52ms to the value estimated with the Inversion Recovery Experiments as T₂ᶠ is poorly defined by this saturation experiment.
Super-Lorentzian Lineshape
Fitting the model with a super-Lorentzian lineshape to the data achieves good concordance:
fit = curve_fit((x, p) -> Henkelman_model(x, p; lineshape=:superLorentzian), x, vec(M), p0, lower=pmin, upper=pmax)
fit_std = stderror(fit)
p = plot(xlabel="Δ [rad/s]", ylabel="M / max(M)", xaxis=:log, legend=:none)
[scatter!(p, Δ, M[:,i], color=i) for i=1:length(ω1)]
[plot!(p, Δ, reshape(Henkelman_model(x, fit.param), length(Δ), length(ω1))[:,i], color=i) for i=1:length(ω1)]
Lorentzian Lineshape
The Lorentzian lineshape, on the other hand, does not fit the data well:
fit = curve_fit((x, p) -> Henkelman_model(x, p; lineshape=:Lorentzian), x, vec(M), p0, lower=pmin, upper=pmax)
fit_std = stderror(fit)
p = plot(xlabel="Δ [rad/s]", ylabel="M / max(M)", xaxis=:log, legend=:none)
[scatter!(p, Δ, M[:,i], color=i) for i=1:length(ω1)]
[plot!(p, Δ, reshape(Henkelman_model(x, fit.param), length(Δ), length(ω1))[:,i], color=i) for i=1:length(ω1)]
Gaussian Lineshape
And the Gaussian lineshape does not not fit the data well either:
fit = curve_fit((x, p) -> Henkelman_model(x, p; lineshape=:Lorentzian), x, vec(M), p0, lower=pmin, upper=pmax)
fit_std = stderror(fit)
p = plot(xlabel="Δ [rad/s]", ylabel="M / max(M)", xaxis=:log, legend=:none)
[scatter!(p, Δ, M[:,i], color=i) for i=1:length(ω1)]
[plot!(p, Δ, reshape(Henkelman_model(x, fit.param), length(Δ), length(ω1))[:,i], color=i) for i=1:length(ω1)]
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